Getting Started

Get the project up and running with a few simple steps.

Minimum Requirements

SQL Server Express LocalDB is included in Visual Studio 2017 editions.

Running locally

Default credentials for the initial user:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: password

Using Script (Recommended)

  • Open a new cmd or powershell console window.
  • Navigate to the project root folder (where it was extracted or cloned).
  • Execute the following command to setup the app: app install or ./app install.
    • The command above will perform the the following tasks:
      • Check for compatible PowerShell and .NET Framework versions.
      • Restore both server and client side dependent libraries (from Nuget and LibMan).
      • Compile the application after all required dependencies are properly restored.
      • Create the starterTemplateMVC5 database on your LocalDB instance.
  • If necessary, change the web.config connection string to point to your desired SQL Server edition.
  • Open the starterTemplateMVC5.sln solution file under the sources folder.
  • If necessary, set App.UI.Mvc5 as the startup project.
  • Hit F5 to start the application.

Manual Setup (if the above fails for some reason)

  • Create a database named starterTemplateMVC5
  • Execute the script under /sources/Data.Tools.Migrator/SqlServerScripts/Create_Initial_Db_Structure.sql to create the db objects.
  • Execute the script under /sources/Data.Tools.Migrator/SqlServerScripts/Create_Initial_SuperUser_Account.sql to create the default user.
  • If necessary, change the web.config connection string to point to your SQL Server.
  • Open the starterTemplateMVC5.sln solution file under the sources folder.
  • If necessary, set App.UI.Mvc5 as the startup project.
  • Restore required Nuget and LibMan dependencies.
  • Compile and you should be good to go.
  • Hit F5 to start the application.

Optional Settings

The configuration bellow will ensure your project will always start in the home page and that the II Express instance will not shutdown after stopping the debugger.


Solution .editorconfig

Under the 0.Solution Items solution folder, there is a global .editorconfig file that will ensure consistency between certain aspects of the code. This will apply to all users and will override their indivisual settings for this project.

More details can be found here.